Jordan Caplan, FCPA, FCA on Giving Back

Whether providing guidance to businesses or helping the most vulnerable take advantage of the tax benefits that are available to them, the CPA designation is a great tool for making a positive impact.

Just ask Jordan Caplan, FCPA, FCA, who has been a partner with Crowe Soberman in their Audit and Advisory group for the last sixteen years. With over forty years of experience, he has come to be respected for both his technical expertise, his commitment to mentoring CPAs and his work in the community.

In 2023, Jordan was named a Fellow – the highest honour that can be bestowed upon a CPA. ‘Being named as a Fellow has brought me a lot of recognition and has given me the opportunity to reflect upon my career,’ Jordan said.

Jordan taking a picture with his partner

‘I’ve looked back on the volunteer work I’ve done, the mentorship I’ve done. Three of our current audit partners have been my mentees - I've seen the impact.’

In addition to his impressive career which has spanned over four decades, Jordan has made a significant impact on the community by giving back. He has contributed time to CPA Ontario’s Tax Preparation Assistance program, and regularly provides pro bono services to individuals in need.

Having access to the expertise of a CPA without having to worry about any associated fees can really make a difference for those in need. For example, one client was terminally ill and was not able to pay him for his assistance - but Jordan assured them their child would be taken care of after their passing. Decades after their parent's death, Jordan still provides them pro bono services without thinking twice.

‘Not everyone is as fortunate or knows how to take advantage of tax credits. You come across a person who needs help, and doing these tax returns can be a lifeline. I’ve always believed in giving back.’

When you talk, you can only say something you already know. But when you listen, you have the ability to learn something new.”

When Jordan first entered the accounting field, he wasn’t entirely sure it was the right career path. But he was drawn to the diversity of opportunities the profession offered, and how it would allow him to pursue different paths.

‘In my fourth year of Shulich [Business School], we had to choose what area to specialize in, but I had no clue of what I wanted to do at the time. Who knows what you want to do with your life at the age of 22?,’ Jordan said. ‘But then, I thought, if I get my CA designation, it could lead me down several different career paths. I could be a CFO, a controller, what have you – the options and flexibility were really what drew me to the profession in the first place.’

Over the course of his career, Jordan has amassed a wealth of practical knowledge, but two lessons in particular stand out.

‘Someone early on in my career gave me the advice that when you talk, you can only say something you already know. But when you listen, you have the ability to learn something new. Listening to your clients and understanding what they want and need is critical to delivering the proper advice.’

‘The other thing I’ve learned is to not be afraid to work with people who are smarter than you. Too many people get intimidated when they feel they are working with someone smarter than them. It can make my job that much easier – working with people who have different perspectives.’

The profession is changing, and the role that CPAs play in business and society is changing as well. But this change only creates more opportunity for today’s CPAs.

Jordan believes that obtaining the CPA designation is crucial in getting the most out of your career – and being exposed to the most opportunities.

‘It’s a great career. It provides a lot of opportunities for you to take advantage of. You’re going to work hard, but nothing good ever comes without hard work... but being a CPA, you just see more and you learn more, you're dealing with different industries, different people, different situations, you'll see different tax situations, different accounting and auditing situations - your breadth of experience will just be that much greater.’

Jordan has reiterated the importance of giving back – whether that be to the community or the next generation of aspiring CPAs.

‘One of the things I always try to do for my staff is to be available to answer questions, even if it's not my file. I try to be present and try to be an ambassador for younger people, because I know that early in your career, you want to soak up as much information as you can. You want to learn and keep your eyes open – if I can help in their journey in any way, then I will.’