Kain Big Canoe, CPA

Kain Big Canoe

Kain was inspired to become a CPA because of the range of employment opportunities the designation brings. According to Kain, no matter what path you want to go down or organization you aspire to work with, being a CPA has the power to open that door.

As the Associate Vice-President of Indigenous Services with T.E. Wealth, Kain provides trust advisory and investment services to create wealth management strategies for Indigenous communities across Canada. Community leaders such as Chiefs or Council can often be short on time, so having a CPA like Kain onboard allows leadership to allocate a reasonable amount of time to their finances without having to sift through the noise.

Kain has the unique ability to bridge the gap between technical finance experts and community members, showcasing his exceptional communication skills, adaptability, and cultural sensitivity. He is also passionate about mentoring young people, particularly within Indigenous communities, employing a leadership-by-example approach that is both impactful and transformative. Kain is a founding member of the CPA Ontario Foundation Indigenous Knowledge Building Council, notably playing a pivotal role in helping create the Circle of Success Educational Grants, which support Indigenous students navigate their path to becoming CPAs.