Daniel Giroux, FCPA, FCGA

Daniel Giroux

In his 28th year at Collège Boréal, Daniel has risen to become known as a dynamic and effective President, currently overseeing 37 sites, including eight campuses across 27 Ontario communities. Recognized for his passion and expertise in education, Daniel has driven the college’s market share and profitability through his strategic direction, collaborative approach, and focus on mentoring and coaching. Since taking on the position in 2016, he has opened a new campus in the Toronto Distillery District, expanded Boréal’s programs globally to Tunisia and Morocco and grown the college’s revenue.

Throughout his career, Daniel has come up through the ranks at Boréal, starting out as a Project Officer, moving on to become Director of Finance, serving as Dean of the School of Trades and Applied Technology, Vice-President, Academic and Vice-President, Business Development, among others.

Daniel has chaired the Consortium national de développement de ressources pédagogiques en français and the Board of Governors of Health Sciences North and currently serves on the Ontario College Quality Assurance Service Management Board and the Board of Directors of OCAS (the Ontario Colleges Admission Service).