Partha Mohanram, FCPA, FCGA
Partha has been a senior faculty member at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto since 2010 and currently serves as the John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing. He has previously taught at both Columbia and NYU in New York.
Partha is considered one of the leading academic researchers in the field of empirical financial accounting, with a focus on fundamental analysis, valuation of growth firms, measurement of cost of capital and disclosure regulation. He has won numerous awards for his research including the Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award and the Outstanding Research Impact Award from Rotman, the Haim Falk Award from the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, and the Notable Contributions to the Accounting Literature Award from the American Accounting Association.
Partha is the editor-in-chief of the Contemporary Accounting Research journal, a board member of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, and Academic Director of the Rotman CPA Ontario Centre for Accounting Innovation Research.
Partha is known among his peers as a dedicated supporter of the next generation of CPAs, with a genuine desire to advance the profession and an academic leadership style that encourages those around him.