A New Way Forward For The Profession

CPA Ontario’s new working arrangement with CPA Canada positions us to respond faster and more innovatively to the forces reshaping our profession. It respects our role as your regulator, while ensuring you have everything you need to practice as a Canadian CPA. Through our new binding agreements:

  • Your designation does not change. CPA Ontario has always granted your designation and you will continue to have the same rights to practice in Ontario.
  • You will continue to have access to the Handbook and Board Guidance.
  • CPA Ontario will continue to enable your mobility across the country and internationally.
  • CPA Ontario will continue to provide regulatory oversight and support standard setting.  

As we look to the future and the period of immense transformation our profession faces, our vision is of a profession that is proud to protect the public and be held to the highest standards through effective regulatory oversight. A profession that takes the lead, driving transformation through technical expertise, strategic insight and a strong, ethical mindset. A profession that harnesses the power of AI, drives commercialization, helps scale-up the next generation of Canadian success stories and brings clarity and rigour to sustainability reporting.

Frequently asked questions