CPA Ontario Write to Ignite

The Write to Ignite Competition is now closed. Thank you to all students who submitted a slideshow. Please check back in the fall for next year's Write to Ignite competition.

Write to Ignite is an annual competition that provides our members of our High School Ambassador Program (HAP); a chance to win the top prize of $800 plus a $75 e-gift card for their teacher and a plaque for their class. This competition is designed to offer students a taste of the business world through the lens of a CPA, where slideshows are a fundamental tool used to communicate ideas in today's work setting. Show us your opinions and creative side in this competition!

2024-2025 theme: Planning for tomorrow today: how can businesses use new technology, trends, or training to stay future proof? 

The focus of this year's theme is to explore how businesses can continue to stay relevant in an ever-changing world. Students are encouraged to explore how businesses can strategically plan for the future by harnessing technology, staying ahead of trends, and investing in workforce training. They may investigate how companies use emerging technologies to innovate and improve efficiency, examine the importance of staying attuned to societal and market trends, and consider the critical role of regular employee training and development.

For this assignment, you are asked to create an opinion-based slideshow presentation (8 slides max.) that demonstrates how a specific business can utilize technology, market trends and employee development to stay relevant and competitive. The presentation must be supported by research and analysis that is appropriately referenced.

The competition opens on October 17, 2024, and closes on March 17, 2025.

This may qualify for one or more required components for SHSM:

  • As a sector-recognized certification and/or training course/program elective for SHSM under the specialized business program/competition.
  • As an experiential learning and career exploration activity under participation in a local, provincial, or national contest or competition with a focus on business.


Teacher random draw prize: $100 e-gift card.

For every entry submitted by a student, their teacher will have their name entered into a draw. The more students that participate, the higher the chance the teacher has of winning.

A rubric and an assignment overview are available on the TCP portal for teachers to utilize as an in-class assignment.

$800 for 1st place + $75 teacher e- gift card + class plaque

$600 for 2nd place
$400 for 3rd place
$200 for 4th place
$100 for 5th place

Submission guidelines

Each slideshow is opinion based but must be supported by research and include references.

Submit your slideshow by email and include the following contact information in your email:
  • Student name
  • HAP ID number
  • Student email address and phone number
  • School name and address
  • Teacher name and email address

Submissions close on March 17, 2025.

For complete contest details, see Rules and Regulations. Any questions, please contact our team.

Slideshow requirements

  • Any slideshow program, except for google slides is permitted (e.g., Prezi, Canva, Beautiful AI)
  • A maximum of 8 slides, including the title slide and bibliography (6 slides of content).
  • A maximum of 50 words on each slide (excluding bibliography) and 50 words in the notes section. Bullet points may be used.
  • Full bibliography and in-text citations using MLA style guidelines.
  • Videos are not permitted in the slideshow.
  • Avoid using copyrighted materials. If copyrighted materials are included, permission from the owner(s) must be attached with your submission. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification from the Competition.

Slideshow assessment

  • Originality and creativity
  • Clarity in conveying ideas
  • Spelling and grammar
  • Research and referencing (bibliography)
  • Adherence to the theme 

The winners will be contacted directly by CPA Ontario and asked to fill out a Declaration and Assignment (or have their guardian fill it out if they are under 18) in order to claim their prize. If selected as a winner, you may request for your entry to be posted/publicized anonymously.

2023-24 Write to Ignite Winners

In last year's competition we asked students "Balancing profit with purpose: How can businesses meet Corporate Social Responsibility demands, while staying profitable?" View the top 3 entries below:

1st Place - Jackson Rosenhek, Skechers: Putting our Foot Down on Childhood Poverty
View slideshow

2nd Place - Malika Sbaihi, Corporate Social Responsibility and Pedal Power
View slideshow

3rd Place - Shiza Afaqui, Save the Ocean, Eliminate Plastic Pollution
View slideshow