Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Standards
The GRI sustainability reporting standards consist of three (3) universal standards, currently three (3) sector specific standards and 32 topic specific standards. The GRI standards came into effect in 2016, with some new standards developing in the succeeding years.
Who’s impacted?
The GRI standards are not required in Canada, the GRI sustainability reporting standards are voluntary.
What’s the latest?
The GRI standard setting board is developing forty sector specific standards, with three (3) already published for the oil and gas, coal and agriculture, aquaculture and fishing sectors.
What do Canadian CPAs need to know?
While the GRI standards are not mandatory in Canada, many companies do voluntarily choose to report under the GRI standards due to their global acceptance. CPAs therefore should be familiar with the GRI standards.
Where can I learn more?
For more information, please refer to our At a Glance: Sustainability Reporting Standards and Regulations.
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